Bite story preview images of Five mistakes to avoid when creating column charts for your presentation slides
Five mistakes to avoid when creating column charts for your presentation slides

Column charts are quite a common sight on presentation slides. They are easy to create and are usually created automatically with a function available in your presentation software—PowerPoint, Keynote, or similar. The problem with most column charts that we see is that they are difficult to unders ...

Bite story preview images of Design slides to make your presentation a great presentation
Design slides to make your presentation a great presentation

Very few were born to be great presenters. Most of us will need to learn the hard way. Some might completely shy away from presenting all together. Still, being able to present well is an advantage for any individual and especially important if we hold key positions in an organisation. So, how do we ...

Bite story preview images of Coffee Break Timer for your PowerPoint / Keynote presentations
Coffee Break Timer for your PowerPoint / Keynote presentations

A regular business presentation usually goes from the first slide to the last slide in a sequential flow. During the display of the slides, the presenter elaborate on the content of each slide being shown on the projection screen. ...

Bite story preview images of Presenting to Millennials, how to design slides that will interest them
Presenting to Millennials, how to design slides that will interest them

Millennials, aka Generation Y, is the generation that is tech-savvy, money-shrewd, and socially conscious. They are also impatient and having a short attention span, thus seem immune to traditional marketing and conventional styles of engagement. ...

Bite story preview images of Storyboard, the visual planning tool for better presentation slides
Storyboard, the visual planning tool for better presentation slides

A planning tool that I often use to plan and design presentation slides is a Storyboard. Using a Storyboard is effective because it is a visual planning tool, and presentation slides are all about representing data and information in a visual format. ...

Bite story preview images of Corporate Profile slides. Do they actually work?
Corporate Profile slides. Do they actually work?

It is quite common that we often start the first 5-10 minutes of our presentation to a new client with the Corporate Profile slides. Walking them through the history of our company, regional and global footprints, achievements, staff strength, products and services, etc. Do they actually work? ...

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