Bite story preview images of Presentating uptrend data
Presentating uptrend data

A common method of showing trend data is to use a line chart to represent the data visually. A line chart can clearly show the direction of trends. The lines that go upward are trending up and lines that go downward are trending down. To make trend data visually more interesting we can use the 'Grow ...

Bite story preview images of Give photos on your slides a 5-degree rotation
Give photos on your slides a 5-degree rotation

When everything is proper and orderly, it can turn out to be uninteresting... boring... dull... uneventful... dry... clichéd! This is how I sometimes felt when working with photos on my presentation slides. It is easy to just drop a photo in the placeholder of the slide template. But we can go a st ...

Bite story preview images of Do not show 'Thank you' on your last slide
Do not show 'Thank you' on your last slide

"We have come to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your time. I will take questions from the audience if there are any." And the final slide that we show is 'Thank you'. Is this the best message for the final slide? How does that create value as the take away message? ...

Bite story preview images of Creating Visual Separation with a Boxed Title
Creating Visual Separation with a Boxed Title

Creating a visual separation of the slide title from the content of your presentation slide can improve the overall appearance of the presentation slide. Without the visual separation, the slide might sometimes seem incomplete and lack of impact visually. ...

Bite story preview images of Ten ideas for exciting business charts
Ten ideas for exciting business charts

Break away from what you see everyday and make exciting business charts built on simple ideas. Making charts interesting in presentation slides can sometimes be challenging. We often end up with boring and complex charts generated by PowerPoint. Trying to change selected parts of the generated chart ...

Bite story preview images of How to get rid of crappy presentation slides
How to get rid of crappy presentation slides

No one likes to see crappy slides. I am sure that you have encountered many situations where information projected on slides is confusing and difficult to see. Slides you see in a meeting, a conference, or presentation sessions you have attended. In the end you walk away not having understood the ke ...

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